Thursday 27 August 2015

Android Basic Question Book

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Dear All, 

Before the question phase i want to share a bite of tips that help you at interview time:

Golden tips for a successful interview:

. Keep smiley face and occasion.

. Be clear and loud voice.
. Asks them to give the same answer.
. The answer was short and to the point.
. Do not give the wrong answer quickly.
. Try to think about the correct answer.
. Give a convincing answer.

- Interview fun experiences

Some candidates during interviews loose (nervous) is going to be. The text is also aimed at them specifically.

What about the future that will consist Remove. Keep in mind, healthy and occasion. Maintain your natural and naturalness. 

What to speak with the elders of the house that is the conversation. So it's a pleasure, enthusiasm and pomp give interviews. Leave everything else to God. It is with you and have faith that He cares for you. 

I hope,this chapter will help you.

All the very Best ... !!!!

Android Basic QA Book part:1

1) What is Android?
Answer: Android is an open-source operating system that is used in mobiles, tablets, televisions, wearable device etc.

2) Who is the founder of Android OS? witch year?
Answer: October 2003 by Andy Rubin.

3) Explain .apk extension.
Answer: APK stands for Application Package. The .apk It refers to a file type having compressed information of application code and resource files with AndroidManifest.xml file.

4) Witch language is used to develop Android?
Answer: Android is developed using Java language.

5) Explain primary components used in Android architecture?
Answer: The Android is used four essential that are (1) Linux Kernel (2) Set of libraries (3) Android Framework (4) Android Applications.

6) Explain AIDL?
Answer: AIDL stands for Android Interface Definition Language. its offers to define the client’s interface requirements & service to communicate at same level with help of inter process communications.

7) List the data types supported in AIDL?
Answer: AIDL supports all type of native java type and data types Like string, list, map etc.

8) How to android track applications?
Answer: It is done by assigning each application with a unique Linux User ID.

9) What are the advantages of android?
Answer: Open-source: It means no licence, distribution and development fee.
Platform-independent: It supports windows, mac and linux platforms.
Highly optimized Virtual Machine: Android uses highly optimized virtual machine for mobile devices, called DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine).
Supports various technologies: It supports audio,video,camera, Bluetooth, wifi, speech, EDGE, Scanner etc. technologies.

10) Write code names of android?
1.    Aestro
2.   Blender
3.   Cupcake
4.   Donut
5.   Eclair
6.   Froyo
7.   Gingerbread
8.   Honycomb
9.   Ice Cream Sandwitch
10. Jelly Bean
11. Kitkat
12. Lolipop
13. Marshmallow  6.0 August 17, 2015;

11) Does android support other language than java?
Answer: Yes, android developed in C/C++ also using android NDK (Native Development Kit).

12) What are the core building blocks of android?
Answer: The core building blocks of android are:
ActivityViewIntentServiceContent Provider,
Fragments,  and  AndroidManifest.xml etc.

13) What is activity?
Answer: Activity  is a pre-defined class, and also is a Java code that supports a frame or screen or UI.

14) What is AAPT?
Answer: AAPT is stand for android asset packaging tool. It handles the android packaging process.

15) Write step of life cycle methods of android activity?
Answer : There are 7 life-cycle methods of activity.
1.   onCreate()
2.   onStart()
3.   onResume()
4.   onPause()
5.   onStop()
6.   onRestart()
7.   onDestroy()

16) What is intent and use of intent?
Answer: Intent is a information that is passed to the components. It is used to launch an activity, display a web page, send sms, create call, send email etc.

17) How many types of intent?
Answer: There are two types of intents in android:
1.   Implicit Intent
2.   Explicit Intent

18) What is implicit intent in android?
Answer: Implicit intent is used to allows to component from another app. 
e.g. To know location of other users.

19) What is explicit intent in android?
Answer: Explicit intent is used to start an component in your own app.
e.g. Start new Activity.

20) What is the name of database used in android?
Answer: SQLite:  An open source and lightweight relational database for mobile devices.

21) What is fragment?
Answer: Fragment is a part of Activity. That allow to display multiple screens on single activity.

22) What is NDK?
Answer:NDK stands for Native Development Kit. We develop a part of app using native language such as C/C++ to boost the performance. it should be used with android SDK(Software Development Kit).

23) What is ADB?
Answer: ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. It is a command line tool that is used to communicate with the emulator instance.

24) What is ANR?
Answer: ANR stands for Application Not Responding. It is a dialog box that appears if the application is no longer responding more then 10 seconds.

25) What is SDK?
Answer: SDK is a Software Development Kit that enables developers to create applications for the Android platform.

Thank you

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